Monday, September 13, 2010

10th Amendment

2. Constituional Connection: Amendment 10
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

3. Explanation of Connection:
      This politcal cartoon is pretaining to California's proposition 8 law which bans same-sex marriage. The cartoon shows ordinary people with crosses around their neck (religous people) and then to the two guys together. Also religious groups were one of the many that supported the ban. One of the man saying that the government shouldn't tell them what to do, it should tell gay people, which is what happened in California.

     This political cartoon clearly demonstrates amendment 10 in theUnited States constitution.  Amendment 10 gives states the power to do what they want as long as its not in the constituion. Ca;ifornia's government says that amendment 10 gives them the power as a state to ban gay marriage. States having the power within their own state is in important because without it alot of states wouldn't feel secure with the new goveernment. One of the weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation was that the states had too much power;however, with amendment 10 they have some power that is limited by the constitution.

    I am for states having their own individual power; howerver, I disagree with California's ban on gay marriage. I think that violates the peoples right. No one should be told who to date or marry in this case. Like other government officials I feel that banning gay marriage is unconstituional because everyone is suppose to have equal rights according to the constitution. I feel the real battle is gay people fighting for equal rights!

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